Stranger things have happened... because the sisters of Sigma Psi Zeta would like to finally formally introduce you to our newest class, the EFFERVESCENT ALPHA ETAS of Fall 2018 at Rho Chapter💫
These nine strong ladies have demonstrated their passion and have shown endless dedication to earn their letters! We are so lucky to have you and can’t wait to see what great things you will bring into our house and sweet, everlasting sisterhood
#153 Amy “kangeline” Nguyen
Big: Ly Pham
#154 Shearn “laGhana” Santiago
Big: Alison Tay
#155 Deanna Lerdphet “teraGra” Sithideth
Big: Alison Tay
#156 Sheeny “ellareia” Ng
Big: Kristine La
#157 Sakura “aeLía” Kishiro
Big: Divya Naidoo
#158 Jia Jia “Aleaiana“ He
Big: Michelle Pan
#159 Kimseam “KEYOMI” Chou
Big: Angela Zhu
#160 Kat “Ceraluna” Nguyen
Big: Connie Shen
#161 Amber “kÿiloa” Neathery
Big: Daehee Lee
SPECIAL shoutout to their Program Educator and Program Educator Assistant, #131 Angela "rylani" Truong and #134 Angela "KAYORI" Zhu for guiding this class to crossing and all their hard work!
BIG THANK YOU to Rho’s FIRST EVER NEW MEMBER PRESENTATION hosts, Arabella Princess "malYlangmi" Nidoy and Kristine "AsteReia" La with their continual love and support to them💕
We are all so proud of each and every one of you. Welcome to the Syzterhood, AH’s